Our Church
2501 Market Ave., N
Canton, Ohio 44714
Phone: 330-452-8125
Email – cantoncschurch@att.net
Church Services
Sunday – 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
1st and 3rd Wednesdays – 7:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Join us and share the message of hope and inspiration provided by our weekly services. We honor an infinite God, who is good and Jesus, his beloved Son. We welcome all who wish to worship with us. The Christian Science Church of Canton has been a part of the community for well over one hundred years. Our church is one of the worldwide branches of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts which was founded by Mary Baker Eddy in 1879. The Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy serve together as pastor for Sunday church services and Wednesday testimony meetings at all Christian Science churches throughout the world.
Upcoming Bible Lesson Subjects
- 3/30/2025 - Reality
- 4/6/2025 - Unreality
- 4/13/2025 - Are Sin, Disease, and Death Real?
(As published in the Christian Science Sentinel publications)
Christian Science Lectures
“Attend a lecture on Christian Science in our local area, or join one online. Go to “Find a Lecture” at christianscience.com/findlectures or call 617.450.2000 for details about in-person, webinar, radio, and call-in events. Lecture information online is updated daily, and listings are searchable by language and region.”